Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Very Busy Classroom

I am so excited about this year! We have gotten off to such a wonderful start and I am having such a blast teaching these kiddos! I'm finding that my 4 years of kindergarten teaching experience is very helpful in planning where I want the kids to be at the end of the year. Our curriculum is a letter a week and a shape, color, & number a month so I've been adapting my stuff to fit the needs of my 3s.

Here's a little bit of what we've been up to!

 When we were studying the letter A, we made applesauce in the crock pot, turned ourselves into astronauts and learned a new song, &  practiced writing A!


I just LOVE how these astronauts turned out!  We used small pieces of foil and of course tons of GLITTER!
One day we made applesauce in the crock pot and although some of my kiddos weren't too enthused about it, I thought it was DELICIOUS! I got the recipe here.
We loved getting to dump the ingredients into the crock pot. Our room smelled so good while it cooked all day. 

We also got to taste some fresh apples with our apple taste test. We tasted red, yellow, and green apples and recorded if we liked them or not on our worksheet. In between tastings the kiddos put their hands on their heads so that we could all taste at the same time. It was a lot of fun!

Apparently I got so into B week that I totally forgot to take pictures. Silly me! But I didn't forget to take pictures when we learned about the letter C! 

We made our very own Pete the Cats complete with different colored
shoes! It was a great activity to practice recognizing shapes and following directions!

We also learned about clouds and went outside with our cloud catchers to find different types of clouds in the sky. 

This week we learned all about the letter D and had a lot of fun! We made dotted dogs and delicious donuts. The donuts helped us practice our gluing skills because we had to dot the glue to add the glitter sprinkles. One of our favorite projects was wearing duck feet made out of craft foam. We waddled all the way out to recess!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out what we have been up to!

Hope your school year is getting off to a great start!

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