Thursday, September 11, 2014

What I've Been Up To...

This summer has brought a lot fun exciting changes. The biggest being that I got MARRIED!

 Super wonderful and exciting! We went to Disney World for our honeymoon and spent the rest of the summer fixing up our apartment!

As all things do, our wonderful summer had to come to an end sometime and now school is back in full swing. I am very fortunate to work at a school I love with some absolutely amazing people so it wasn't too much of a hardship! I will be posting a classroom tour soon but right now I'm linking up with Oh Boy Fourth Grade for my September currently. Here it is!

Listening:  My husband and I share a mutual love for video games. It's his way of unwinding after a long day. Usually he plays with friends online and I sit next to him on the couch with my laptop on Pinterest or blogs. Its wonderful that we are happy just to be next to one another on our respective screens.

Loving: I was out of school yesterday and today with a nasty stomach bug. I HATE being out of school! Yes, being sick sucks but mostly because the fun lessons I have planned don't get taught! I'll be glad to be back with my kiddos tomorrow!

Thinking: While I was sick as a dog yesterday I was trying to be somewhat productive and was looking up Pre-K things on Pinterest. I think I'd really like to incorporate a word wall in my classroom. I would like to focus on adding pictures & words that begin with the letters to reinforce letter sounds all year long. The only problem is space! My room is so tiny!

Wanting: I am very much over summer. Which is a pity because fall like temperatures don't hit until late October or November in Louisiana. I can however still dream of the days when I can pull my cardigans, scarves and boots out of the closet and do simple tasks without breaking into a sweat.

Needing: Oh the couch. My foe and friend. So comfy especially when you add a husband and a cuddly pooch. 

Trips: I've been dying to go to London and Versailles for years now. London because I love everything British and Versailles because I find Marie Antoinette so very fascinating! I also want to go to New York just to go and see what all the fuss is about!

Hope you have enjoyed seeing what I've been up to! Don't forget to click the link above to post your own September currently!


  1. Congratulations on your wedding, Kathryn! Looks like things are going wonderfully for you. So happy I discovered your blog! :)

  2. I love hanging out on Pinterest as well. I hope you're feeling better.
